Preparing for Hurricane Dorian
As Hurricane Dorian approached the North Carolina coast, you should start to prepare. Here are a few tips to assist you in hurricane preparedness:
1. Gas up your vehicles – In case of a mandatory evacuation, you should have all of your vehicles full of gas. Try to do this as soon as possible as the lines at gas stations may become long. In some cases, areas may run out of gas.
2. Emergency Kit – Place an emergency kit in every vehicle and your home. You should have first aid items, plenty of water, emergency flares, portable power supply for your phone, medications, and snack food.
3. Copy of your insurance policies – Make sure you have the claims numbers for each insurance carrier.
4. If you are a homeowner or renter, make sure you have photos of every room or your inventory list.
5. Verify your emergency exit plan – Have a plan to go to a secure location and check with local authorities on evacuation routes.
Preparing for a hurricane is important, and having flood insurance will assist you in case of a loss. For those individuals looking for flood insurance in the Greensboro, Eden, Madison, Mayodan, Oak Ridge, Kernersville and surrounding areas make sure you give one of your agents a call.