Will my insurance premiums go up if I marry someone with a bad driving record?
Marriage vows are “for better or for worse”. Well, sometimes the “worse” involves marrying someone with a bad driving record. When you get married, you will need to add your spouse to your insurance policy. Since insurance companies base the premiums in part on the driving records of all listed drivers, chances are that when you say “I do”, it will affect your premium. If this happens to you, and you feel that your premium is too high, you may want to consider a couple of options.
Check with your company to make sure that you are getting any discounts that are available to you such as low mileage, package discounts, etc. Consider “bundling” policies to take advantage of any savings they offer.
Consider raising your deductibles. This will lower your premium while allowing you to keep adequate coverage on your vehicles.
If you own an older car with a low resale value, consider dropping the comprehensive and/or collision coverage. Many times, the cost of the insurance outweighs the actual value of the car.
Consider a “named insured” exclusion. If your spouse’s driving record is bad enough, you may want to consider putting them and their vehicle on a separate policy.